Welcome to an Awesome Life

If you love coffee and food, and appreciate dry humour and childish antics then we're off to a good start. If you are interested traveling, DIY, home remedies, and random nonsense to you I say: Welcome :-) And I suggest you start by reading About Me to see if you'll want to punch me or not before continuing. I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Awesome Diaries

Hello to anyone out there who may still be reading this! 

As promised, I have started a new, much more thought-out blog that will still share my childish antics and love of food, all while being prettier and more polished. I hope.

Please, join me over in my new home, The Awesome Diaries. I think you will like what you find! ;-)

Thank-you to anyone who ever showed the slightest bit of interest in this blog, and (if you so choose) I'll catch you on the flip-side! 
