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If you love coffee and food, and appreciate dry humour and childish antics then we're off to a good start. If you are interested traveling, DIY, home remedies, and random nonsense to you I say: Welcome :-) And I suggest you start by reading About Me to see if you'll want to punch me or not before continuing. I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

HMS Bounty: A Ship Lost at Sea

For those of you who know me - this may just be the regular ole Jessica-babble. To those who don't already know me - I have no idea what you will think, but there's one thing you should know about me: 

I spent my high school years sailing on board the sail training vessel,
St. Lawrence II, training fellow high-schoolers how to man a tall ship. There really is no other way to put this: this was the most profound, amazing, incredible experience I have ever had. Each and every day I think about what I learned as a sailor. I remain in close contact with several of my former crew mates, and when something happens in that world (good or bad), it hits home in a serious way. 

Enter Hurricane Sandy. 

Today was (and still is) a sad, horrible, emotional day amongst the tall ship sailors of the world. From what any reports have said (and against all of our faith), the HMS Bounty has succumbed to Hurricane Sandy. Even worse: two crew members were reported missing after they were swept overboard while abandoning ship. One was "rescued", but unfortunately didn't make it out of the ordeal with her life, and one other - the captain - is still missing at sea.

Many, many, many people are passing judgement right now. Stop. Just stop. Nothing else matters when there are missing crew at sea. Once (if) they are all accounted for, then it will be a far more appropriate time to start judging and launching investigations. No matter what you may think right now, there are so many (SO MANY!!!) deeply affected by the events of the last 24 hours. Please, remember your humanity.

I, along with so many others, am completely and utterly heartbroken by the fate of the HMS Bounty. To even try to imagine that happening to any of us is our worst fear. Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers really are with the crew of the Bounty. You have not left our minds all day. Roll-calls have been made (always looking out for our crew, past & present) memories have been shared, tears have been shed. 

There is nothing more to say.

Bow of the Bounty, Canada Day Weekend, Toronto, 2010

What a beautiful ship!
HMS Bounty, as seen from the freeway while driving through Boston, Summer 2012.

To my beloved St. Lawrence II, may you never see the depths of Davey Jones' Locker. 

To Claudene Christian, may you rest in peace.

To everyone else, I hope you catch you all of the flip-side of this storm. 

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